Item #102- 1/2 tooled, antique finish, bull hide inlay & waffle stamp with flower tooling. $5025
Item #103- Ranch Roper, natural finish with accents, 4" cantle and a kidney skirt. $4735
Item #107-- Ranch Roper, 15 1/2" Rough out with chocolate accents & strings. $4735
Item #108- Custom Ranch Roper, 1/4 tooled basket stamp, kidney skirt, leather pencil roll, strings on saddle & stirrups. Association Hogg tree. $4925
Item #111- 1/8 tooled, waffle & wild flower pattern, leather pencil roll, tooled inlay. $5075
Item #112- Sunflowers, antique finish, half tooled. $4965
Item #114- Rough out roper with strings and leather pencil roll. $4820
Item #117- Rough out with 14" tan suede seat & a double line border. $4755
Item#118- Basket stamp & sunflower, barbwire border & bull hide seat. $5095
Item #120-Ranch Roper Tucson, 1/2 tooled. $5025
Item #123- Square, tooled, roughout. $5025
Item #125- Ranch roper association, kidney bean skirt, waffle stamp, sunflower, antique. $4995
Item #126- Ranch roper association, kidney bean skirt, Hogg tree. $4820
Item #127- 1/4 tool, oak leaf and antique. $4935
Item #128- 7/8 tool, sunflower, antique. $4955
Item #134- 1/4 tool leaf, antique. $4935
Item #140-- 7/8 tooled, Antique, Elephant seat. $5310
Pattern for item #140.
Item #141-- 7/8 tooled, Chestnut, Wild flower, square skirt, snake border. $5110
Pattern for item #141.
Item #142-- Ranch Roper, 1/2 tool daisy, antique, rope border, trail skirt. $5035
Item #144- 1/8 waffle & wild flower, Inlay seat. $5075
Item #145-1/4 tooled, roughout fenders and jockeys, bull hide seat, snow flake, dog ear skirts, chocolate. $4995
Pattern for item #145.
Item #146-Hard seat, rough out, 1/4 tooled, oak leaf, antique. $4935
Pattern on Item #146.
Item #147-1/2 tooled, rough out, hard seat, wild flower, chocolate. $4965
Pattern for Item #147.
Item #149- 1/2 tool, chocolate, wild flower and basket, square skirt. $4965
Pattern for Item #149.
Item #150-1/2 tool, wild flower, waffle, antique, brown bull hide seat. $5025
Pattern for Item #150.
Item #151- Hard seat. 1/2 tool, antique, waffle and wild flower. $4965
Item#152- Hard seat, 1/2 tool, wild flower and waffle, antique. Inlay seat chocolate bull hide. $5025
Item #153- 1/2 tool, hard seat, rough out, wild flower, antique, six strings. $4950
Pattern for Item #153.
Item #154- Rough out, hard seat, 1/2 tool, Chestnut. $4965
Item #155-1/8 tool. waffle, chocolate, bull hide seat. $4885
Pattern for Item #155.
Item #158-1/2 tool, Antique, Oak Leaf. $4965
Pattern for Itme #158
Item #164-Kidney bean skirt, 1/4 tool, waffle and wildflower. $4935
Item #165-1/2 tool, basket stamp with oak leaf, chocolate brown suede seat, antique. $4965
Item# 166-Spot tool, rough out, wildflower, square skirt, pencil roll, giraffe inlay. $5045
Item #167-- 1/4 tool, chocolate daisy, hard seat. $4995
Item #168-- 1/2 tool, chocolate, Entz, chocolate rough out. $4965
Item #170- 1/2 tool, sunflower, antique. $4965
Pattern for Item #170.
Item #171- 1/2 tool, chocolate, waffle and wildflower, diamond border. $5040
Pattern for Item #171.
Item #172-Rough out, tooled accents. $4835
Item #174- Antique, 1/2 tool sunflower, square skirt. $4965
Item #175-7/8 tool, wildflower & Entz, Antique. $5035
Item #180- Rough out with snake border. $4825
Item #191-1/2 tool, Antique, wildflower, hard seat rough out. $5025
Item#192-1/2 tool roper, Oklahoma Flower $4965
Item #198- 1/2 tool, Mike's flower #1, antique. $4965
Item #200- 1/2 tool, big leaf and basket stamp, antique, giraffe seat. $5045
Item #205-7/8 tool. Mike's flower #1, chestnut. $5035
Item#208- Giraffe seat, dog ear skirts, 7/8 tool. $5185
Item #209- 7/8 tool, waffle and wildflower, chocolate. $5035
Item #210- 1/2 tool, wildflower, dyed brown background. $4965
Pattern for Item #210.
Item #211-Mike's big leaf. 1/4 tool. $4995
Item #212-Tooled accent, Chocolate, rough out. $4675.
Item #213-Tooled accents, rough out. $4835